My Hometown!

 Kobe: A Great Place!

Kobe City is my hometown. It's a famous place in Hyogo prefecture, Japan. Please visit it someday. I'll write some information about it in my blog today.

(Good links for more information about Kobe City)

Kobe City Wikipedia

(5 fun things to do in Kobe City)

1- You can enjoy shopping at Kobe Harborrand.
2- You can eat delicious Chinese food.



3- You can see the beautiful sightful from the top of the Rokko mountain. 

4- You can go to the Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art. 

5- You can go to eat Kobe beef.


(YouTube video) 

(Google map)


  1. Hello! My name is Yu.
    I love Chinese food, so I want to go to eat in Chinatown.

  2. Kobe beef looks so delicious! your hometown is beautiful!

  3. Your hometown is so beautiful!
    I envy you for living in such a great place.

  4. My home town is Kobe too.
    Habatan is nostalgic for me!

  5. The pictures of Rokko Mountain is very beautiful! I want to go there someday.




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